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Bonnie Smedley assembles packets of masks at the mask giveaway by the Dr. Willie Wilson Foundation at Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in Garfield Park on Saturday, May 9, 2020 in Chicago. | Colin Boyle/Block Club Chicago

CHICAGO — The state reported 81 more people dying from coronavirus over the weekend.

Every region of the state is now under “enhanced mitigation” measures, as well, meaning there are tighter restrictions on things like eating and drinking out and gathering in groups. Officials have said Chicago and the rest of Illinois are in the midst of a second surge, with new cases, hospitalizations and deaths skyrocketing.

Reports of new cases and deaths often lag during the weekends, but the state still reported 46 deaths Saturday and 35 more Sunday. Thirty-one of the people who died were from Cook County.

At least 9,792 people have died from COVID-19 in Illinois.

RELATED: Illinois On Pace For 11,000 Coronavirus Deaths By End Of 2020, State’s Top Doctor Says

The state also saw 14,879 confirmed cases: A record-breaking 7,899 were reported Saturday, and there were 6,980 reported Sunday. That brings the total number of confirmed cases in Illinois to 417,280.

The state’s seven-day positivity rate rose to 8 percent Sunday with 78,458 tests reported. It was at 7.3 percent Friday. The figure represents total confirmed cases divided by total tests.

Illinois is also now reporting its seven-day test positivity, which measures how many tests were positive out of total tests. As of Sunday, it’s at 9.4 percent, up from 8.5 percent Friday.

As of Saturday night, 3,294 people were hospitalized with coronavirus in Illinois, including 692 people in the ICU and 284 people using ventilators.

In Chicago, an average of 958 cases are being reported per day, a 24 percent uptick from the prior week. The city’s positivity rate has risen to 9.1 percent.

The city is also now seeing an average of four deaths per day; for months, that number hadn’t risen above two or three per day. But officials have said deaths are beginning to rise in Chicago, and they’ll go higher as new cases and hospitalizations spike.

There have been at least 3,078 deaths from COVID-19 in Chicago and 104,526 confirmed cases, according to state data.

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