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Dogs play in a kiddie pool at Horner Park's dog park July 12, 2021. Credit: Alex V. Hernandez/Block Club Chicago

NORTH CENTER — Horner Park Advisory Council‘s dog park committee is raising funds next week to help pay for the maintenance and installation of turf fields to replace the park’s dirt and mulch.

Pups and Pints is 6-9 p.m. Thursday at Burning Bush Brewery, 4014 N. Rockwell St. Tickets are $20 and can be bought online.

The entry fee includes a branded pint glass courtesy of Urban Pooch and access to games, prizes and treats on the back patio, committee member Sara Tews said. 

Alcohol is sold separately, but Burning Bush Brewery is donating 15 percent of beer sales from the event to the committee, Tews said. 

“The dog park is entirely volunteer-run and -funded. The money raised by this event will go toward doing everything from maintaining the current mulch and making sure that we have pools and rakes and extra bags to clean up dog poop,” Tews said.

Dogs playing at the dog friendly area at Horner Park. Credit: Provided.

Proceeds will also go toward the next phase of construction for the dog park, which will include installing an artificial, pet-friendly turf play field made from recycled materials, Tews said. 

The turf will allow people and their dogs to use the park in different weather conditions without worrying about getting muddy or covered in mulch. 

The dog park has been in the works since 2013, when neighbors reached out to the Horner Park Advisory Council expressing interest in a dog-friendly area inside the park. 

The first phase of the dog park was completed in August 2018. It has fencing, separate areas for small and large dogs, five benches, a water fountain and a water play area that doubles as a cooling station.

The latest round of construction hit snags. 

Fences that had already been installed needed repair or replacement due to the damage caused by the 2020 derecho. Then heavy snow and ice in February 2021 delayed crews from working. 

Once construction resumed, crews found broken glass from when the park was a landfill.

Fundraisers previously meant to support the turf upgrades instead went toward excavating about 6 inches of soil across the entire dog park area to get rid of the glass, then replacing it with clean fill and mulch, Tews said.

“We just try to take on each challenge as it comes and really provide the best space that we can for the furry, four-legged friends we love,” Tews said.

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